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About Us

Aya Stoned

We are a black owned, woman owned hemp shop in Durham, NC.  All of our hemp products are handcrafted, labeled, packaged, shipped and delivered by us.  We take pride in creating products you will enjoy! Our company strives to provide quality by selling only a select number of products. We don't sell tons of products from a bunch of different companies.  Your trust is important and knowing what goes into each product is vital to our core values. We sell Organic CBD Hemp flower from a local NC Hemp farm that is a licensed USDA grower. Lab potency testing and lab residual solvency testing provided for delta 8 and completed by a local NC USDA accredited lab testing agency. We want you to feel safe when you buy delta 8 online.

We started this company in 2021 because of our belief in cannabis healing properties and its ability to increase mental health. Aiding in sleep, pain management, cancer relates symptoms, anxiety and stress.


More than 1.6 million people are diagnosed with cancer each year and chemotherapy leads the way for treatment options. The side effects from chemotherapy are numerous and debilitating. While more studies are needed in this field, research suggests that cannabis products can increase appetite, reduce nausea, boost your mood and limit neuropathic pain.  

Most people know someone that is living with or has battled cancer. My brother battled cancer for many years and this plant helped to increase his appetite, relieve nausea and boost his mood. Being able to smile and laugh together stands out the most for me during some difficult times. It was the greatest gift we could ask for from this plant.  I became more interested in finding healthier ways for him to consume cannabis. This interest led to the birth of Aya Stoned. This company is for him and for anyone else who needs to heal.
Hemp is cannabis with less than 0.3% of Delta 9 THC.   Marijuana is cannabis with more than 0.3 % of Delta 9 THC. It is super plant that not only offers medicinal benefits but  provides food and fiber products for the community.

Our Delta 8 and CBD are derived from hemp and purchased from only two farms. We selected these farms because of the consistency and ability to produce high quality effective products.

Love goes into every batch that is prepared from Aya Stoned and our hope is to deliver top quality service and products. We are not here to sell you a fancy product or inflate the percentages of ingredients. We are a hemp shop that is trust worthy, down to earth, and truly wants to increase your quality of life. We hope you find relief with our products and look forward to assisting you.


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